The Three Tickets To Podcast

Lord of the Rings Trilogy vs Star Wars Original Trilogy

Elle, George & Dean Season 2 Episode 34

Now this is it... This episode will have you thinking and comparing 2 of the best trilogies that have been made in the movie industry. We discuss in great detail about the wonders of these 2 very different worlds, and compare them with 5 different categories. They are: Quality, Story, Characters, Acting & World Building.

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Elle's other podcast - Daydream believers

Elle: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to three tickets to I'm Elle our family podcast that likes to discuss movies. I am married to George and Dean is my brother.

Dean: Oh, uh, you guys rocked me with some big news just before this podcast. 

Elle: Yeah. Yeah.

So before we start recording, we obviously discuss what we're going to talk about in the intro. We obviously know what our main topic is today, but we always just, before it starts talking [00:01:00] about what we'll watch this week very quickly. So we know what we're talking about. And George and I just told Dean, we watched better call Saul this week.

And Dean didn't realize it was done this 

Dean: way. 

Elle: Oh, and find blown mine below 

Dean: two 


Elle: dropped two episodes and then it's intense 

Dean: it's going to be a light. 

Elle: That's what jumped straight into what we'll watch this week. And if you guys didn't pay attention just a minute ago, we watched better. call Saul I don't mean Dean was a good, it was really good.

George: Yeah. If you remember. The last episode I do how hectic it was. Yeah. Uh, it starts off pretty, pretty mild. It starts off as, as, as much as a episode, one would be, 

Elle: it starts off the way breaking bad or better call saul [00:02:00] does. They have a nice, beautiful long shot of something that, and I give you no description.


Dean: stop. Just stop. I can't, I can't cause this is, it's not like it's bloody cover

this is shit I'm going to watch tonight. Yeah. Cause like breaking bed is really, for me the best show of all times better call solids right up there. So this isn't something about y'all watch your day. So ignore it. When I say y'all go home tonight, watch it Huck time. I'm lying. I'm not knocking this shit.

I'm watching tonight. 

George: Like you're hooked. You'll you'll get, you'll get as much action as you will. The first two episodes of any season. Yeah. But the stories. Oh, wow.[00:03:00] 

Dean: Oh,

sorry. My vibe is all over the place.

Elle: audience, we'll all over the place. What a fantastic intro to at 

Dean: we've recorded the episode. Yeah. This is the most tired of,

Elle: you know what we will say this about medical, so it gets better with every season. Oh 

George: yeah. 

Elle: Yeah. We're only rolling. Two episodes, Dean. Well loving it. [00:04:00] Well, loving it. Can I just say, did you hear the news about this season? No a bit concerned. It is confirmed that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are going to be in the season.

Gee, that 

Dean: Aaron Paul just had a kid and he made a Brian cramps and 

George: the godfather I did, I saw that today and I mentioned it to him. 

Elle: That is so gorgeous. I love their friendship. So good. So good. So they will be in this season and I have no idea how or what level they're going to be in and 

George: flash forward.

Dean: They just refilm the rest of the breaking bad and solves perspective. Yeah. 

Elle: Yes. All in black and white. Fantastic. Yes. Yes. So very much would be fantastic. So very interested to see how this is going to 

Dean: go. Okay. I better call Saul. It's actually killing 

Elle: me. Let's talk about another sh. [00:05:00] That we've all been dying to watch every week, nine, we're all up to date.

We are all up today, all and all three of us, mind you, all three of us are all up to date. I'm sorry. We have chipsets behind because obviously we did not bring in an episode last week due to, you know, my little lady of Elaine sake. Now I'm going to say this last week's episode is probably the Waco. 

Dean: Good word.

We're going to say the worst. I'm like Tash. No, the 

Elle: weekend out of the fall. Cause I'm still loving every single episode so far. This one was amazing. It's the best episode so far by far. Absolutely amazing. The last 10 minutes of this episode, I think my mouth was wide open. 

George: Massive the floor. 

Dean: Yeah. This is like a, this is like, let's say an Oscar's like an eighth and Hawk sonogram.

Yes, but it was the last 10 minutes. 

Elle: Ethan Hawke in this show is killing it. David 

Dean: Hawk, as well [00:06:00] as on the planet. I 

Elle: agree. I didn't realize how JPS voices it's very deep.

Dean: nothing like that. We just exaggerated the crap out of it. So I laugh because over the 

George: years I've just said, I've heard it go worse and worse. 

Dean: It just degenerate. Sorry. 

Elle: No, I didn't realize how Davey's voice was. He sounds terrifying and he's so confident and softly sparking those kinds of villains are the scariest.

When everything you do does not phase them whatsoever. I was going 

George: to give a perfect example. Uh, 

Elle: medical. So he is very much like that. He's so cool. 

George: Comical, a dig at you. That's like you have seen and have goodies from the previous season. Tell [00:07:00] me again, 

Dean: um, that, that whole sequence with a smile. Yeah. 

Elle: I love those kinds of villains and he is a big reason as to what's making these shows so fantastic.

But I think one of the underdogs in the show is like, I love, 

George: well, 

Elle: I have loved her in every episode so far, but this episode she keeps us, her acting was absolutely fantastic, 

Dean: especially in the asylum. Again, I like the same with Ethan Hawke was arguably the best, like sane in the sh in the show, outside the last 10 minutes of this, but I just loved her acting just, and she really just pulled off the head turns and yeah.

Yeah, I've just saw it. I would've been in the assault. I thought she was fantastic. Oh yeah. Did have a lot of what I love seeing the bromance of Steven and mark. I was like, damn man. It's like two brothers, just two twin brothers. [00:08:00] And what did that, that, uh, that, uh, coffin, if you know the comics, I think, you know, who's in there.

George: Pretend we don't know the 

Dean: comics, Jake, luckily Eric and. Jake locally, or it's also just a popular theory. He's the guy that ended up killing all those people in episode three, where mark and steam of F like, I didn't do that. Didn't hurt. He's the third personality. Business-wise the brutalist is kind of imagine what Rob dinero is and taxi driver just more brutal.

Elle: Yeah. And apparently he's a taxi driver. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. So it's going to be pretty crazy. 

George: Yeah. I was thinking something along those lines. I just didn't know the clinic 

Dean: history of this. Guy's the dangerous 

Elle: one. Yep. And he was trying to get out of that thing. He was trying to get out there. I love that.

I didn't start. I love that. They didn't go and open it up. It's just two episodes in a row. He's just there, but we haven't actually seen him love 

George: that will [00:09:00] say, okay, we're going to say Jake, 

Dean: and that's going to be very fun. 

Elle: Let's talk about the thought track. Oh, now we finally, we finally got a full love and thunder trailer comes out in less 

Dean: that's three months, 

Elle: three months.

George: Yeah. That's the shortest time I've ever seen 

Elle: between the 8th of July? We are recording what's I say 21st of April. 

George: If you, have you ever seen a trailer that close to the movie release? Especially for a 

Dean: Marvel movie? I thought it was Spider-Man but like, this is even tighter. I think it's just because like, they really wanted to put a lot of focus into Dr.

Strange, and maybe there's going to be a lot of repercussions. I've Dr. Strange info. 11 thunder. 

George: Yeah. But that this, this trailer had no. Tiny, no bearing, no Tulane. They could've released so they could have released this. Definitely. 

Elle: Yeah, I agree. It has nothing. It has nothing to do with me [00:10:00] night in case it, for some reason, I dunno may not had anything to do with that.

These types 

Dean: of gods, north scars, Egyptian gods, and now great gods.

Elle: yes, we got the zones 

Dean: going to die. The one great. God, we get, he just dies. Th 

George: the way didn't explain to me makes a lot of sense, 

Dean: bringing in Russell Crowe as Zeus. That's awesome. But you got go the God butcher. I think Zeus is there just to show what God can do to God's 

George: a month. The biggest great God 

Dean: apology patient's going to die at the hands of goal is where I guess I can, it could be like a one sank.

No, get out of here more than one. That's my prediction. 

Elle: Wow. Because they really showed off 

Dean: Matt, Damon caviar and four rag north in Japan. He was also coming back for about, I reckon 

Elle: it's like a full yes. And [00:11:00] I heard that Melissa McCarthy is going to be hella in this play that I've seen behind the scenes pictures of her and her hell.

It's very funny. Yes, it's going to be very good. I did like that aspect of thoracic, 

Dean: visually. This one is going to be beautiful. That opening shot, where it's young for running to young men for it, just the classic, uh, classic comic suits I thought was fantastic. And also something that really resonated with me.

Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Just like being a kid and running around outside. 

Elle: Yeah, gorgeous. It was a really nice trailer. It was one that I had to watch quite a few times 

Dean: of years old, but the way he's a young man, I feel like this is going to be a coming of age. 

Elle: Yeah, I think so. I think he's going to be really trying to find himself, which I really like.

I really like where they're heading with Thor's character. He's had so much [00:12:00] tragedy in his life. Trilogy. He's had so much tragedy in his life and I love that. Now he's like these hands with a war now, you know, I want them to be for peace. And he, he planted stone breakup is so badly, does not want to be that guy anymore, but obviously he's going to be pulled back in.

George: Um, I'm more excited about this than I was for Ragnar rock because controversially. We've spoken about it, probably you, you guys will know that we aren't huge fans as huge fans on, of Ragnar rock than most people are the general population. 

Elle: Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's not in our, it's not in our top 10, but it's, it's still, we still love it, but it's not a bad MC maybe that's 

George: correct.

Yeah. Yeah. Like the fact that he did a 180 compared to the previous Thor movie, I feel like [00:13:00] he's finally got the. The perfect combination in this one. Cause I feel like you need a combination of both. Yeah. To make a good Thor movie. 

Elle: Well, because I've heard it, this one's going to be a tear jerker 

Dean: because the probably going to go full into the story, a lot of, uh, giant fosters for, yeah.

That's a tragic story 

Elle: in and of itself. Do you want to talk about 

Dean: what her well, because in the comics she has cancer and she gets the powers of four, but the powers of four stops her. So pretty much any tachy, soft, painful, the cancer gets worse. 

Elle: Um, 

George: yeah, it's a really 

Elle: real, yeah, that's good. Uh, if they're, if they're going to that storyline and there was some 

Dean: advertising thing that said that Jane's got cancer in this movie, but if there's one guy that can bounce comedy and absolute ball, your eyes out drama, it's taught me.

And we saw that in. 

Elle: One, I went from laughing hysterically in that movie to crying [00:14:00] hysterically within a span of 10 seconds. And I also want to add that one reason why I'm extremely excited is because the guardians are in this back. And for some reason they are such a comfort to me, the comfort food, they asked such comfort.

Yeah. I'm so excited to save them, save them all back and 

George: paint a Quill. You know, he lost his mother in, in the, in the movie for Kansas. So if, if that, if they go through there with that storyline companion for 

Dean: Thor and from the sounds, but style is gonna have a big part in the movie. It looks like, uh, the credits say, I reckon it's 100% got a laid up the guardians volume.

Got it 

Elle: has to gain. You have a movie you want to talk to us about, I've 

Dean: watched quite a bit this week. Just a quick summarize. I, that I'm watching the Adam project on Netflix. There's a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me teary-eyed. I saw it was a really sweet movie. [00:15:00] Um, I watched prisoners, we've talked about pressure of prisons on 

Elle: this podcast, Jacqueline.


Dean: really? 

George: Uh, within 

Dean: the last week 

George: eight, you watched it over a couple of months 

Elle: in jail. No, I watched one night. What night were you playing last Tuesday night. 

Dean: We both watched prisoners last Tuesday night

Elle: chat is so weird. Yo, 

Dean: me cook. Ah, 

Elle: that is so weird because I watched it that night. 

Dean: Oh, so the last shoes that died. Yeah. Great movie. I think we've talked about on this podcast 

George: before I've seen it. It's good.

Dean: The most recent best picture went up. Yeah. That is one of the best Disney channel, original movies you'll ever want. Disney channel. It's very D like Disney channel. So like isn't it on apple plus? Yeah, it is. [00:16:00] It's the running joke when you watch it, you'll get it, but that doesn't take away from it being just such a beautiful little movie and Troy Kotzur.

Oh my God. He'd no one else could have won an Oscar this year for best supporting actor 

Elle: where the, of best picture 

Dean: I saw there to watch all the other movies that got nominated for best picture sofa. Yeah, I could see why I could see why it sends a beautiful message and it's a great story. But, uh, before I answer that I do, I saw everything everywhere all at 

Elle: once.

I've heard from multiple sources that this movie is bonkers. 

George: Uh, I've never heard of this movie. So please, uh, treat it as such when your explanation it is more 

Dean: than just bonkers, right? It is a story, a better family. Essentially reconnect to each other. Right. And trying to be better paper for one another.

Right. I just love how PayPal have creative people can take [00:17:00] simple stories, but expand them in ways that we haven't seen before. Because for any movie that comes up, people will be like, oh, you've never seen anything like it before. And to an extent that, right, but this fall movie, you've never seen anything like it before.

I can't think of another movie that's like this, right? It's almost its own sub genre. 

Elle: So what is it about exactly. They're all connecting to this. 

Dean: It is essentially Michelle Yeoh. She, uh, runs a laundry mat with her husband and she has a, like a adult daughter and she has, she's got, she's gotten to an auditor and.

They've got a lot of tax issues. And then all of a sudden, another version of her husband is into that body and says, we need your help. You're the savior of the multi-verse that we need you. Oh 

Elle: yeah. 

Dean: Yep. It's multi-verse it's multi years. It's yeah. It's Multivista then there's like how many different multiverses.

It is [00:18:00] movie is beyond bat shit crazy. It's nuts. It's crazy that we're getting to multi-verse movies in the space of a few weeks. Chase. Yeah, it's a, it's a 10 out of 10. This is it. Usually with like movies that you love. You want to go back and say straight away. I don't want to go back and say straight away.

I just really want to say like, And just enjoy it for what it is, but I can see this movie being one of my favorite movies of all time. Wow. 

George: So it wasn't nominated for any awards or is it in the next years categories, do you think you'll be nominated for best 

Dean: picture? I get a 24 pushes hard enough. It'll get nominated for best picture for sure.

And Michelle Yeoh, the husband they'll get nominated for acting roles. 

Elle: Well, shall we get into the meat and veg of what this episode is? Are we going to take a quick break, but before we do, we ask that you please follow us on whatever platform you are using. Tell us, Hey, if you want, but please do how many stars, at [00:19:00] least five in the least, please leave a review.

If that's something that you would like to do would really appreciate. I also want to mention something called buy me a coffee. What's that all I'll tell you, Dave, what it is is you can click on the link in our description down below, and you can donate to our podcast, the cost of a cup of coffee, and it goes towards us to help.

Better quality to you guys. So if that's something that you're interested in by all means the link is in the description down below. I just don't 

Dean: think about how expensive coffees are becoming less. 

Elle: Yes. All right. We're going to go take that break. And when we come back, we have a very juicy subject for this episode and juicing.

Gonna be interesting.

All right. We're back. And we have a brand new kind of topic today. 

Dean: I don't want to take [00:20:00] credit for anything, but a this topic, whose idea was it? It was 

Elle: yours is 

George: mine. Wow. It 

Dean: was my, yeah, I'm usually not like this I'd come a different person. I've become that. Self 

Elle: centered the ideas, man, 

Dean: man, man, man, I got the ideas, man,

George: because

Dean: having a child will make you reference cars.

Elle: We are comparing movies. And we had comparing some of the best movies that are at this. I don't know. I don't know. It's going to be pretty intense. We are comparing the original star wars trilogy to the Lord of the rings trilogy. This is a versus [00:21:00] movies versus movies who will be the winner we already know, but we're not telling you.

This is going to be pretty exciting. 

Dean: A lot of people were going to ring that bell. Certain we're going to ring 

George: that bell. You might throw up. 

Dean: Yep. If you're say it's going to upset peoples that are we spoiling? Who wins? 

George: No, because there are people that are very staunch Lord of the rings fans and there's people that are really, you know,

Elle: So we have created five categories to compare all these movies to quality store. Characters acting and we'll building five very tough 

Dean: categories. 

Elle: Very tough categories. Now we're going to go through each category, discuss each movie, find out who the winner is at the end. Simple, simple, simple stuff. We're using meth to find out what the better movies are.

Simple stuff. America's all right. Shall we get straight into. [00:22:00] Possibly possibly this one's going to be intense. Now the first category is quality. Now you think straight off the bat, this is an obvious one. When you first hear this category, you think, oh, it's obviously so-and-so. But when you really think about it, it's actually hard to compare.

George: We spoke about this one the most prior to the 

Elle: podcast. Yes. We feel like this one. I'm not going to say, cause the debate. But it's, we definitely had different opinions on such. Now let's talk about a lot of the rings. First. I feel like this one was the one that was the most obvious choice, 

Dean: right? Yeah. Had sparked the biggest debate.


Elle: Yes. You first hear. Okay. Which movies are that have the better quality you obviously think launderings right. It was made in the early two thousands more updated technology, much bigger budget, but then you think about style. [00:23:00] 

George: Well star wars, you know, it was revolutionary for its time and with such a small budget, you know, George Lucas made such a quality film.

Yeah. Dean was telling us, you know, you know, even now when you can pay the two, you know, Lord of the rings is miles ahead when it comes to actual quality in, but it's IO. My biggest argument was the. Yeah. And I almost feel this is almost an unfair comparison based on the era and the technology at the time versus, you know, the, the.

But I think ultimately one does surpass the other. Yeah, for 

Dean: me. It's you got quality with star wars, but you've also got quantity and quality before the rings. It's the best of both worlds. And when I brought up earlier with our chats with just, uh, myself, I'll enjoy. [00:24:00] I was talking about, obviously we were talking about the now, but we're going to, we're talking about the now and the future and in the future, you're going to ask yourself quality loss of what you're watching right now.

Take away. Sorry. Take away characters is what you're watching right now, which is going to be better. Quality is 10, 20, 30 years. Yeah. It's one of the ring stuff you get. One of the rings is 20 years old. It's not a young movie anymore. It's it's pretty much, it's two decades old. It's a long time ago. Next year is 20 years since returned.

The king came out. 

Elle: Holy moly. 

Dean: Like the first that's the third one, not from the status. The third one. Yeah. And it's still aged like a fine wine. So it's star wars. But I feel like if you watch it, it's like 20 to 30 years and you could watch a lot of the rings. Yeah, that could have been made like five years ago, whereas loyal rings that you could tell us, like, okay, that was made a long time ago.

I would the cups of technology, but we are talking about quality. So I felt that the quality of what the technology [00:25:00] they had and the technology we've got, there's more of a progressive, a normal line to fire rather than huge progression from the seventies to the early two thousands. That makes sense. 

Elle: I think about it from this way.

Star wars at 26. This is Lord of the rings at 20 years old, which one is a better quality. It is one of the rings. There's. One thing about style was though. That you think would help it, but it doesn't the fact that it's been edited again and again, and again and again, throughout history, 

Dean: the had to go back to it how many times, whereas you don't really have to go back to 

Elle: all of the rings and some of the edits they've made, people are just not thrilled about it's a bit much, and I totally understand.

From that point, plus George Lucas is 

Dean: hot, so I get why he wanted to do it. Cause that's what he wanted. 

Elle: Yeah. Yes. He's editing it the way he originally wanted it. And I understand that, but star wars fans don't like change[00:26:00] 

George: star wars fans also don't like star 

Elle: wars. They like the original movies 

Dean: sort of got to an extent 

Elle: to it. It's just crazy. But I feel like it's fair to say. That Lord of the rings wins this category, 

Dean: but like we said, it wasn't as obvious. 

Elle: Now I eat surprise me how it sparked a little back and forth. I liked that not 

George: reluctantly, a grade that Lord of the rings does win this category, but con reluctantly agree.

I can't like with that, give my 2 cents. I just think that it is an unfair. Comparison, but I do agree because if you were to reverse the roles, if George Lucas was to make this, you know, his movie, which really he did, what, what year did, um, fandom min has come in 1999? You know, it's not many, it's like only a couple of years difference compared to if Peter Jackson [00:27:00] made his.

You know when star wars episode four came out, I think we'd have 

Elle: a different comparison. Can I ask a question? I know you're going to say fellowship of the ring come 

Dean: out 2001 difference to you. Different. I'm 

Elle: sorry. Fellowship of the ring is way. 

George: No, I, I agree way better. I'm just saying based on what George Lucas made at that time, if Peter Jackson was to make at that time, he'd make a great movie still.

Yeah, but we'd be having. At different 

Dean: debate, let's land the rest of it. How great of a filmmaker, uh, Jackson is. I agree. He's a, he's a 

Elle: mastermind. I agree. That's what I was just about to say. George Lucas, I think did better back then than what he did in the late nineties, early two thousands with star wars.

We love the prequels, but we have said a number of times. They great style war stories doesn't mean the necessarily great [00:28:00] movies we've seen what he can do in the mid two thousands with these movies. And I'm just realizing it. Now you got to say that fellowship of the ring to towers and return of the king is ultimately.

Quality movies than what the prequels are. I know we are comparing, I know we are comparing original to wonderings. What are the rings? Not pre-calls, but man, I did not think of that. 

George: That is true. I did 

Elle: not think of that. That is true. At the end of the day, George Lucas, didn't direct two of those movies back then someone else did.

And you can argue that episode four is the poor. Quality of the three that tastic revolutionary, he gave everything in. He had, yes, low the rings was opiod to Jackson. They was 

George: that's his baby down [00:29:00] to the nitty gritty 

Elle: detail. I reckon this details that Beth created that you couldn't even see on. Exactly that had to make it that real.

Yeah. Wow. I just convinced for a lot of 

Dean: the reasons 

Elle: I love it. I love this. I love this topic already. I really do. Now these slide, this one is like good category. Let's talk about story. 

Dean: Say for me at the beginning, it was tough because I really just looked into both and thought, okay. I would, would have thought that one was definitely better than the other, but it isn't.

Yeah. So let's start off. What are the rings? One of the rings is rich. It's a very it's uh, it's uh, it's remarkable. What Jr. Talking came up with back in the day. What Peter Jackson brought to the screen. Oh, hell [00:30:00] yeah. And that's a fate that will almost never be done. People say that it could be dealt with dude.

We'll say when the trilogy. We'll say, and I'll see so many to watch dune whoops, at the moment. I don't think so. Granted, I haven't seen it. 

Elle: I have no idea what it's about. 

Dean: I just don't see it. It's a great story about heroism, about friendship and just rising to the 

Elle: occasion. Yes.

Dean: Yes, 

Elle: it's a great food. Great. Go on dates. 

Dean: I can't 

George: think of anything else now, 

Dean: the point is 

Elle: no, I eat you'll start. Right. And you just have very. Which 

Dean: I just love her. It's almost as simple as that. You find that any, sorry, Jr. Talking and paint Jackson [00:31:00] made it work for a lot of the 

Elle: rinks. Yes. 

George: And it's a massive, but it's a 

Dean: huge ass.

Uh, you jazz Simpsons reference stick, spell wars, star wars is the hero's journey. So it's the call to adventure, the supernatural aid thrust hold guardian, the helper, the mentor, the ch the abyss, the death, and rebirth the transformation, the atonement and the Brooklyn. That's doubt that's star wars. That's Luke Skywalker.

And to an extent Veda. 

George: Yes, 

Dean: of course. No story right now in cinema does better redemption star wars we've done. 

Elle: No, no, no, no, no. The pure tragedy of that character

Dean: talking about star wars, what would you say? 

Elle: The tragedy, oh, death Veda.[00:32:00] 

overshadows. It overshadows everything. Darfur storyline in these evening, these original movies where you find out slowly, slowly bit by bit that he is father to these twins and he gives up, he gives up himself to. Save Luke destroy Palpatine, the emperor 

Dean: gone up. So now it makes me so angry.

Pretend it doesn't exist. Oh God fucking dammit. Sorry, go on. 

Elle: I'm just going to go right into. This is why star wars wins. You have an extremely tragic person redeeming themselves. I don't know what it is about movies and sadness and tragedy of like, why am I saying this word so much? I'm really noticing it now.

Dean: [00:33:00] Uh, 

George: there's no other words. 

Dean: Tragedy the 

Elle: tragedy of death, Vader.

that is the whole reason why star wars takes number one for this? Yes, it's too good. It pulls me in, it makes me cry. It is absolutely fantastic 

Dean: and would not include the pre-course and check the prequels inclusive of Jesus Christ is absolutely. 

Elle: You want to compare to the hub? It don't even go with it.

Dean: It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

Elle: star wars is number one. 

George: The story I agree with both of what you guys were saying, you know, star wars. Yeah, it takes the cake. It just literally very easily does it not to discredit textile bakery takes every ingredient home, you know, [00:34:00] the Lord of the rings story. I think you're going to gong off what Dean was saying.

He's a great is a great story. It's it's a, it's a simpler story, but done effortlessly. Yeah. Whereas United style was a story in our it's called. Depth and so much, you know, hot, not that loitering doesn't, but this one has that, that, especially with the redemption storyline, it's got such a great. I think it, it just, it 

Dean: wins.

I think it, now that they have the heartbeat, don't get me wrong. There's a lot of heart and Lord of the rings, but no more than star 

George: wars. Ah. Yeah, exactly. And now we're forgetting, like that's the biggest plot twist of all time? What does it feel like? We haven't, we haven't mentioned it like Lord of the rings.

It's it's got a lot that it's predictable, but. You know, ultimately what's got to go down. Whereas I feel like with star wars, you know, you're, you're leading into the second movie and they're throwing this huge plot twist that still to [00:35:00] this day. I don't think anyone saw it coming. And if you did. You're alive, but that's how I feel.

That's how strongly I feel about this now, but yeah, ultimately that's what it comes down to one one's a lot more original with it's it's 

Elle: stored. Oh, yes, yes, yes. And I love how you say original. This is an array, original screenplay star wars. They're all original ideas. It's all George Lucas, everything gaped in George Lucas's brain.

A lot of the rings was source material. Yeah, you've got a lot to go off. You've got a lot to go off now. You've obviously got your challenges going from an original idea and also going from source material. Cause you don't want to do the source material wrong sometimes even though it's good on paper.

Doesn't mean it's going to be good on screen, but I do want to say this one more thing about star wars verus something about a villain that you feel sorrowful for everybody better photos. Thous is number one. Do you feel sorry for Sarah on, at all [00:36:00] sound. 

Dean: The way, the eyes moving.

just want a big tier to fall down from the eyes.

Dean's director's cut.

They cut out my dubbing.

You're like the English guy that was in Vegas too, but no, you're the original voice.

So they went with nothing. Instead of you were just getting more when you watch it. Freido Smeagol and Sam just walking from a pharmacy, you survive.

Elle: Oh, all right. To summarize style. Was we in story? 1, 1, 1, 

Dean: 1 interesting. 

Elle: Round three, ran three, four. [00:37:00] Now this one spot debate. This one spot debate, but we did come to a 

Dean: conclusion. I forgot what the conclusion was talking about. 

Elle: Characters 

Dean: who probably did cause that biggest debate. George, why don't you use.

We have characters. All right. 

George: Now we had, we did have a little bit of a controversy cause before the conversation we had before the podcast, same before a lot, uh, Ellen and I had discussed. First, and then you had obviously done your list as well. Yeah, well, no, it wasn't a team up. We, we had our different views and then we agreed on a final list and then we're going to get you to, you know, say your 2 cents and then for us to agree on a final, final five.

So I think originally we were ahead a bit of a toss up between. I think it was[00:38:00] 

damn you, what I mean is obviously it's a toss up between the two, but it was hard to split the two. So for us it was, it was like pretty much neck and neck, I think. Um, do you remember what you had originally? 

Elle: I think before you and I started talking about it, it was star wars. Yeah. We kind of spoke about it and we thought, oh, maybe it could be Lord of the rings because there is more characters to go by.

There's a lot more heroes. 

Dean: And before you discuss it, did you toss and turn over? Which one was it? Star wars to you? 

Elle: I think it, it just was star wars because of. Yeah, Veda alone. He he's top of all the characters that we're talking about, he just sees Gandalf, like from, from what are the range you look at?

Who's the best character. And to me, the person that jumps out automatically is Gandalf 

Dean: Aragon. [00:39:00] I thought he 

George: was 

Elle: arrogant. I had a major crash on. It's a major difference. Sorry, 

Dean: not our arrogance, like a close number two. No one Sam was. 

Elle: So I compared like my favorite character to my favorite character. You know what I mean?

That's really good. And Veda is Veda. He is again, it's like what was breakfast before? The tragedy and tragedy and in his story, 

Dean: the story. Yes. 

Elle: Yeah. He, he, he's amazing. He's amazing. But a lot of the rings had such has such a vast amount of characters. So many heroes you've got the four hobbits you got Gandalf, you got Gimli.

You got Legolas. You have. Aragon,

Dean: but you would just stand in the fellowship pretty much at the 

George: beginning. Yeah. It was the whole fellowship 

Dean: than the fellowship in this movie. Yeah, it's 

Elle: crazy. So. [00:40:00] Compared to style walls, 

George: all massive in their own. Right? 

Elle: So at this point, you're thinking, okay, quality over quantity, who would win. Obviously Lord of the rings has the quantity.

It also has the quality. You cannot say 

Dean: it does have a bit of quantity to an extent compared 

Elle: to its competitors, compared to all the rings has got buckets. And you have to factor that in when you're considering these characters. One of the rings has the quantity. It also has the quality, but you look at star wars in the original trilogy.

That quality is unmatched because you've got to have some of the best villains ever. Yeah. And Palpatine. Oh yeah. Palpatine is so evil. He doesn't care, but you loved him. You love him. There's a reason why they thought bringing him back [00:41:00] was a good idea because they know everyone loves 

George: him and you root for the bad guy, 

Dean: but it's, they literally just put in his laugh and the trail of episode nine that had people flocking, flocking.

George: I buff. I'm still fucking, yeah. 

Elle: Fucking mad about how those movies. 

Dean: Well, if it just pop it's like individual characters could win this category 

George: for style. I agree. A hundred percent. And that's what it came down to, I think, 

Dean: but it's also a Sergeant rats, but another point is like, I guess, to make it more external to people out.

If you ask them to name five star wars characters, and five Lord of the rings characters is probably going to be easy to make star wars characters. That's how I chronic these care. 

Elle: Yeah. We, we also got a factory in that style was, had such an impact on people to just going off of what you just said yet, such an impact on the world.

That it's basically exactly what you were saying. They are so much more, well-known so much more well known. So that is the reason [00:42:00] guys. I'm not going to lie to eat spot. It's back to bay. We'll talking about this quite a bit. Before we started recording 

Dean: George really nearly pushed home for a lot of the rings.

George: I did. I, I D I do think you guys have swayed me on it 

Dean: because originally I'll also start star wars, but then when George starts, I'm like, fuck, he's got a lot of good points. 

George: Do you know what I just sort of now that really does really make it obvious star wars for me, because I did eventually, you know, agree with star wars, but this really just brings it up.

Quoting, if you're going to, to quite, you could quite a hundred different quotes for star wars characters. It's not 

Dean: the most notable. 

George: No, but compare that to, you know, good quotes in 

Dean: Lord of the rings 10 names, 

George: but it's not easily 

Elle: quotable. Yeah.

George: [00:43:00] They go to someone that hasn't watched either franchise and sit down to quite a lot of the rings movie. Now you've got no chance. Can 

Dean: you get them to quite, can you do, uh, so.

Elle: I just love the way he's like, I'm not trying to Rob you. 

Dean: I'm try to help. Good. 

Elle: But it's just face of certain McKellen. It's these gorgeous face as well. Oh my God. Love Gandalf. And honestly, Gandalf would have been the reason for that. For a lot of the rings to win before if it wasn't for Veda. Yes. If it wasn't for Veda.

So to conclude this guys, if we have not made it too confusing, star wars wins. Yes. Yes. So that's two to one 

George: to star wars. 

Dean: I think this next one's pretty [00:44:00] simple. Don't get too excited. The next it's going to be down. Can we keep this next one? Short 

Elle: category number four, which is acting.

I mean the power converters. 

George: Oh God, 

Dean: I can't remember the full one off the top of my head. I laugh when you said that 

George: before, because that's exactly what I had said to L like a few days 

Elle: prior and 

George: misquoting 

Dean: it as well. All I said was bow converters. You have to go to Dodgers pickup, power convert or something like that.


Elle: Yes, yes. Yeah. My chem over really founded. In the second and third of the trilogy think they all did to 

Dean: an extent later in the movie, 

Elle: it later in the movie. Yeah, for sure. Look, it's definitely not the best acting in all three of the movies. Although you've got chronic performances as well. 

Dean: Oscar nominated performance and out Guinness.

Elle: Yes, [00:45:00] he did get nominated for this. Let's remind everyone here. He did get nominated. Which is crazy because he wasn't really in the movie that much. Then of course I know him. He used me. That's probably one of my favorite names, so good. Yes. I really liked that one. Anyway, you can't compare to a lot of the rings though.

I'm sorry 

Dean: that I think we just got that. We could talk about why, but I think what's the moves for yourself. 

Elle: You'll get it. You, you just get it, you just get it. I've got Gollum. 

Dean: Should've won an Oscar. 

George: Everyone, everyone could you get you? You can literally name every character and they all had, they all acted their hearts out.

They all add amazing performance. Yeah. 

Dean: It's what George said earlier when we were talking about like, these went and darn actors, other than Alec Guinness at the beginning. And like with Lord of the rings, a lot of them are stained actors. So it's always unfair to an extent where they were, but at the same time, it's what the [00:46:00] category is.

George: It is what it 

Elle: is unfortunate. One pot of return of the king that sticks out to me that makes it clear that little, the rings Windsor's category is the part where they're fighting. Yep. Aragon looks behind him at all of his army and he goes full photo. Oh, stop it. 

Dean: I'm getting 

George: goosebumps. That texts 

Elle: me. I, I, I get so emotional about movies.

It drives me crazy that if I talk about it for too long, I will start crying. And then when expressions on everyone's faces, when they realize photo did it, he dropped it. The rain. Into the fires of Mount doom. They are so elated. They are so happy. They see the destruction that starts to happen that oh, crying.

So good. I've got goosebumps on my face 

Dean: right now. You get another example is Sam wise, they fought over the ring before he takes him into Mount doom. [00:47:00] The, I can't carry it for you, but I'll carry you. 

George: Unbelievable. Yeah, 

Elle: I can carry you. Yeah, most definitely the most underrated here, if it wasn't for him, 

Dean: but also Sean, Sean asked that could have been the liner for an Oscar for this movie.

Ah, all of them. It is all no one high-performance is established. You can say that for one of the rings. 

Elle: Yeah. That's my point. Yes. That's the guys, Lord of the rings wins acting. So it's two to two now, two to two tall. Tall. Yeah. The final category is well building. Now, the way we define world-building in a literal sense is how these movies build their worlds.

How do they. Show you the welds, how do they teach you what this world is now? For me, it was very obvious for me. 

Dean: I originally had one, but then you made me think 

George: about it. [00:48:00] And then I went to the other, for me, it was just one clear winner 

Elle: for me. One of the rings takes the cake in this category. Prior log of this movie alone.

The first, I dunno, five to seven minutes. Not only is it. One of the best, starts to a movie, you know, a thousands of years of history within the first five minutes of this movie, you understand who the villain is, what the MacGuffin of this movie is. I love that word. You understand that not only what it is, the heaviness of it, the evil of it, you know, the history of.

Elf dwarfs what the ring can do to me. 

Dean: And it doesn't such a good way where it doesn't spread fate it 

George: to, I feel like as you're talking, I need[00:49:00] 

Dean: Of what the world-building of what good brings is 

Elle: tapping my fingers on the table. 

Dean: There's a dent in the wood. You've got some 

Elle: wonderful characters in these movies. K Blatch's voice. 

Dean: You also want to do the drugs. 

Elle: Cate Blanchett, its voice is so enchanting 

George: and straightaway. 

Elle: It she's scary. I remember when I was younger watching the first five minutes of fellowship of the ring being a little bit skinny.

You know what I mean? 

George: She could have done that story for the whole movie.

please [00:50:00] read me more 

Dean: sane character to do the ebook of what are the rings. Yes. 

George: Hmm. I'm going to 

Dean: call Kate 

Elle: Blanchett. Yes.

Dean: Yes. But, nah, I think you are 100% spot on now because originally I was star wars, the world building in the sense of like, ah, tattooing day goodbye, half the deaths are just them. It's all of them. Yeah. I forgot about that. Oh yeah. The death stars, plural, but. Yeah. Like we experienced all these different planets and these deaths styles like thoroughly, but there was something you said to me, and then you went on to more about what was different.

And while Lord of the rings is better, is that you pretty much discovered almost every nook and cranny of middle 

Elle: earth, you know, our middle earth through and through, by the end of the trilogy, you've been everywhere. Yeah. That shows a map on the screen, a million. [00:51:00] You've been everywhere on that map. I've 

George: love 

Dean: that.

That it's 

Elle: beautiful. You've been everywhere. It's wonderful. 

George: I agree. And like we're not discrediting star wars, world duty. I think, you know, if you'd look at a different way, star wars has an infinite potential when it comes to world-building because you can go anywhere with it. Whereas with Lord of the rings, your not stuck on middle earth.

That makes it sound very one dimensional. It's your, your on middle earth, but you're limited by time. Whereas in star wars, you're limited by the whole universe and infinite possibilities. So. In that sense yet, of course, star wars has a bigger potential, but in terms of just these trilogies alone and what you're given, and what's given to us at the start of the film launderings yeah, 

Dean: so we have a winner, 

Elle: we have a.


George: on. [00:52:00] Let me tell you it up to seven, 

Dean: carry the word. 

Elle: The end result is two to three, and we are proud to say that Lord of the rings has won today. The 

Dean: first winner of the versus face off. 

Elle: Yes. One of the rings has one. 

Dean: And for us spouses that 

George: favorite. Yeah. You know, when it comes to favorites, we prefer star 

Dean: wars, but we compare it to the greatest children, arguably time.

Elle: On paper. I can confidently say that Lord of the rings is just the best, trilogy. It is the better trilogy. 

Dean: Like there's a lot more things we could compare, for example, music, which you could give that point to star wars. But I feel like these are the five quintessential wise people know star wars things, of course, but it's just like the, for the us stays with the five quintessential things.

Yeah. And [00:53:00] categories to choose. For these two trilogies. Yep. And in the end, that's. A lot of the rings rang Supreme. You got 

Elle: to take your bias out of it. You got to look at it like you haven't seen these movies, star wars, whatever, whatever you got to take, how you feel out of it on paper, Lord of the rings is the better trilogy.

You heard it. He first. 

Dean: From, from

Elle: other people who listen to this and I'd be like, oh 

George: yeah, exactly.

Elle: got that in the back of my 

Dean: head.[00:54:00] 

I can't do the voice

doesn't have any talks to this podcast, but it works for that.

Elle: We did it guys that we made to the end of the. Well done. You're wanting answers. I want to say a massive thank you to our audience, patients that you've had, that we've had a two-week gap between this lip. Certainly the last one. Yeah. Sorry about that. Very sweaty. Indeed. It would never happen again or glow at night.

Thank you so much for listening to our episode, we really hope you enjoyed this kind of content. Please email us to movies that you would like us to compare with these five categories. And I mean, any movies doesn't have to be. 

Elle: and it doesn't have to be these grand masterpieces. It [00:55:00] can be any old comedy.

It can be any of this or any of that versus happy Gilmore yet. That's a good one. That's a good one. We ask that you just keep it roughly within the same genre, roughly the plays, emails to movies that you would like us to compare. We would gladly do 

Dean: it. We don't want the pianist and domino. Yeah. I mean that's bit chore comedy.

Well, dumb and dumber is very funny. I think we hit the longest.

Elle: All right guys. Thank you so much for listening, please. Don't forget to follow all of our social medias to follow us on whatever platform you are using to listen to us and also to give us to review and tell your friends about us. Hi, you France. They might lack as to, I think they will. I don't know. I also have another podcast called daydream believers.

Is that music and mental health. That's something that you're into [00:56:00] not leaving the link down blue.

All right, guys. Thank you so much. We will see you next week. Bye now.